West & East Sussex based DJ

The Joy of Being a Wedding Guest: A DJ’s Night Off

The Joy of Being a Wedding Guest: A DJ’s Night Off

Sadie, Sophie, Jack and A C Knell

As a professional DJ, I’m accustomed to being the life of the party, the maestro behind the decks, orchestrating the rhythm of the night. However, attending my partner Sadie’s family wedding last weekend afforded me a rare opportunity to experience the evening from a different perspective – as a guest. Trading my turntables for a tailored suit, I embraced the chance to be on the other side of the decks for a change, and it was a delightfully refreshing experience.

The anticipation built up from the moment the invitation arrived. For once, my pre-event ritual didn’t involve organising playlists, checking sound equipment, or practicing transitions. Instead, I found myself focusing on simpler pleasures: selecting a suit, picking out a gift, and contemplating the joy of watching Zoe and Tanya get hitched for their wedding day in Hastings.

Arriving at the venue, I felt a mixture of excitement and relaxation, Bannatyne Hotel and Spa in Hastings made a lovely setting for Zoe & Tanya to celebrate their special day. The sun was shining, the beautiful garden made a great setting for the ceremony before we were all seated to join in the celebrations.

The familiar buzz of a wedding celebration filled the air, but this time, I could soak it all in without the pressure of keeping the energy levels high. The venue was beautifully decorated, and the DJ – an accomplished associate and Wedding DJ; Alfie Hart – had the dance floor already bustling with enthusiastic guests.

Zoe and Tanya wanted me to have the night off so I could join in their celebrations and who better to provide the evening entertainment than Alfie?

Sitting at the family table, I savored the delicious meal and engaged in heartfelt conversations. I marvelled at the speeches, each filled with love, jokes and banter.

When it was time to hit the dance floor, I joined in with excitement, encouraging the guests up to dance as well. It was liberating to dance without worrying about what song to play next or whether the crowd was enjoying themselves – I simply let go and enjoyed the moment. The music flowed effortlessly, and I felt a renewed connection to the pure joy that comes from dancing with loved ones.

Being on the other side of the decks also reminded me why I love what I do. Seeing the smiles, laughter, and spontaneous dance-offs reinforced the power of music to bring people together. It was a humbling experience, reminding me that behind every successful event is a team effort, where each role, from the DJ to the guests, is crucial in creating unforgettable memories.

Sadie, the kids and I departed to the room early, which was a relief after the long day we spent enjoying the celebrations of the new Mrs Zoe and Mrs Tanya Roberts!

In the end, whether I’m spinning tracks or dancing to them, it’s the shared experience of music and celebration that truly matters. Being a guest at my partner’s family wedding was a beautiful reminder of that simple, profound truth.


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